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Transform Your Mainframe into an Agile Digital Ecosystem

Mainframe Modernization doesn't mean starting over, let OpenLegacy show you how to take an automated approach to creating APIs and microservices bypassing traditional middleware to connect directly to mainframe systems - Speeding new innovation development from months to days.

Top Mainframe Challenges OpenLegacy Addresses

Accelerate time to market

Monolithic architecture

Difficulty migrating from monolithic mainframe applications to modern microservices architectures. The languages and approaches are very different making integration and communication complex.

Reliance on middleware

Reliance on complex middleware for connections. Traditional middleware creates performance bottlenecks and maintenance headaches compared to more modern integration approaches.
Future-proof your innovation strategy

Complex and hard to reach data sources

Accessing and extracting data from legacy mainframe data sources like VSAM files. This is a manual, time-consuming process but that data needs to be leveraged for things like regulatory compliance.

OpenLegacy Hub Prebuilt Connectors for Mainframe Sources

OpenLegacy's connector technology acts as a bridge between legacy databases and modern applications - helping organizations leverage their existing investments in legacy systems while allowing them to meet the demands of modern IT environments more effectively


zOS Mainframe DB2

Mainframe DB2 calls, based on Stored Procedures and SQL queries

Mainframe CICS Cobol
RPC calls to CICS mainframe based on Cobol

Heirloom CICS

Compatibility of Java APIs migrated from Cobol using Heirloom’s technology

IBM MQ Cobol

Queue based communication with IBM MQ based on Cobol

Mainframe Dataset

Batch calls reading VSAM files from mainframe, based on JCL

Mainframe CTG Cobol

RPC calls to mainframe via CTG, based on Cobol

Mainframe IMS PL1
RPC calls to IMS mainframe, based on PL1
RPC calls reading VSAM files from CICS mainframe
Mainframe Natural
RPC calls to mainframe based on Natural
Mainframe JCL
Batch calls to mainframe JCL
Mainframe 3270 Screens
RPC calls to mainframe based on the 3270 emulation
Microfocus Cobol
RPC call to Microfocus based on Cobol
RPC calls to Unisys mainframe
RPC calls to Tandem mainframe

Customer Stories

Leading enterprises across the globe are using OpenLegacy to unlock the value of their legacy systems

"The flexibility and proactivity of the product allowed us to come up with a tailor-made, easy-to-use solution, while the collaboration was so smooth.”

“Our legacy system was liberated from our middleware stack, resulting in a dramatically streamlined process and significant capital savings.”

"As the bank embarks on a digital journey to modernize our platforms, it is critical that we leverage new technologies to ensure we stay relevant in this competitive space. We are excited to partner with OpenLegacy to bring next-level digital integration for our banking services in South Korea.”

“We've met the car insurance competitive market demand and kept our leading position as a direct insurance company.”

"Leveraging OpenLegacy Hub, its automation, flexibility and decoupling combined with a strong and knowledgeable Customer Success team, we are positioned as a strategic modernization and integration solution."

Citi Logo White

Recommended Resources

Legacy Technology Got You Down? Try Microservices and Cloud-Native Architecture

With the rise of hybrid IT and cloud-native computing there are many more modernization options available. Expert, Jason Bloomberg shares his insights.

How to Evaluate Current Approaches to Legacy Integration

OpenLegacy provides a solution which solves challenges of traditional integration, providing a way to rapidly generate digital services delivering core functionality for use in the cloud, on-prem or both.

How Your Peers Solved Common IBM Mainframe Challenges

This white paper covers insightful, real-life user stories about how your IBM Mainframe peers have approached common issues that you may be facing now.

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