Guest View: Mainframers Versus Digital Transformation Engineers
Contrary to popular belief, the world is not full of start-ups. There’s a reason the world’s top X companies lists exist – these well-established powerhouses have been around for decades.
Best of Friends, Greatest of Enemies
Contrary to popular belief, the world is not full of start-ups. There's a reason the world's top X companies lists exist — these well-established powerhouses have been around for decades.
No More Middleware: Microservices Give COBOL New Life on the Mainframe
Mainframes, legacy systems, and COBOL are getting a bad rap that they just don’t deserve. COBOL is still a common, business-oriented language, contrary to the reports of its demise at the hands of JAVA, Python, and Ruby. COBOL is easy to learn and easy to read and it delivers high performance when compiled.
OpenLegacy uses $50m windfall to fund APJ expansion
OpenLegacy, a microservices-based API integration and management delivery firm, is firmly expanding its reach into Asia Pacific and Japan, thanks to a $50 million investment windfall, including significant funding from Silverhorn Investment.
OpenLegacy and Compuware Partner for Rapid Automated Creation of Mainframe APIs for Large Enterprises
OpenLegacy, which delivers microservices-based API integration and management for core and legacy systems, is partnering with Compuware, which provides modern and agile mainframe software tools for DevOps, to accelerate mainframe integration with modern apps using APIs and microservices.
Business Impact: Before and After Microservice-Based APIs
Using data storage and access methods — like VSAM, IDMS, IMS, DB2, Oracle, and ADABAS — to store and rapidly access data through mission and business-critical applications are written in COBOL, Assembler, Fortran, ADS, RPG, and Natural, these business giants now find themselves unable to stay on the cutting edge in terms of speeding delivery of innovative digital channels and applications.
OpenLegacy Continues Global Expansion With Hong Kong Office Funded by Silverhorn Investment
OpenLegacy, the leader in delivering microservices-based API integration and management for core and legacy systems, has expanded into Asia Pacific/Japan and hired General Manager Joseph Wong, who has spent decades building Asian success for international technology companies.
Compuware Partners with OpenLegacy to Advance DevOps on the Mainframe
Compuware released the latest update of its Topaz for Total Test automated testing solution last week with a number of enhancements, including direct access to the OpenLegacy platform, advanced analytics from its free zAdvisor service, and other improvements that enable unit testing to be applied to a larger range of programs.
Reality Check: 6 Cost-Benefit Considerations When Adopting Microservices
When considering any IT infrastructure changes, the most critical consideration is “Do the benefits and value of a new technology solution override its costs?” In the case of adopting microservices, the answer is definitely yes, especially as they accelerate time to market of new applications for demanding customers while leveraging the stability of legacy systems.
OpenLegacy Partners With Compuware to Advance DevOps on Mainframes
OpenLegacy has allied with Compuware to make it easier to build and debug microservices-based applications employing REST application programming interfaces (APIs) to access data residing on mainframes.