Modern development typically includes cloud-native applications and architectures, which are deployed inside containers (like Docker) so they can be included in a private, hybrid and/or public cloud. Also, if any issues arise with an instance, cloud native applications are easy to redeploy. But first we need to define what a cloud-native architecture is.

How Cloud-Native Architectures Support Legacy Systems
Modern development typically includes cloud-native applications and architectures, which are deployed inside containers (like Docker) so they can be included in a private, hybrid and/or public cloud. Also, if any issues arise with an instance, cloud native applications are easy to redeploy. But first we need to define what a cloud-native architecture is.
What is a cloud-native architecture?
A cloud-native architecture is a set of microservices designed for orchestration inside a container. Containers allow for easy deployment into any cloud platform (AWS, Google, etc) using any tool sets (Kubernetes, OpenShift). Microservices leverage open source applications like Spring Boot and Maven to speed up their development and deployment process. The microservices can be written in any language, but the most common is Java due to its popularity and built-in security features.
Microservices are ideal for agile, DevOps, and CI/CD (continuous integration/continuous delivery) since each microservice is a self-contained, testable and deployable unit with its own interface. Since the microservices are independent, multiple development teams can work concurrently on different components of the system and QA teams can test and deploy individual microservices when they are ready without retesting the whole architecture.
Benefits of cloud native architecture and microservices for modernizing legacy systems
Since legacy and on-premise systems typically are monolithic applications, they don’t align well with modern DevOps development paradigms. The goal for most organizations is to keep their legacy systems (at least for now) and find better ways to leverage the business logic in the digital world.
Cloud native architectures and microservices are a natural fit for legacy and on-prem system APIs. The microservices work well in modern development paradigms by giving fast, direct access to legacy assets. Microservices can support orchestration in case multiple microservices are needed to solve a specific problem, and are easy to deploy in hybrid cloud environments by putting them into containers.
Microservices can also be helpful if companies eventually migrate off the legacy system. The microservice-based APIs provide the interface and their backend connections can be redirected at new processes and data stores. Applications connecting to the APIs don’t need to know when changes occurred since the change is encapsulated behind the interface.
Many companies find it difficult to build microservices for each data store or process in the legacy system. It’s a big task just to understand the monolithic systems, but then converting that knowledge into a true microservice architecture is equally challenging. OpenLegacy can help.
OpenLegacy and microservice-based APIs
OpenLegacy’s platform automatically generates microservice-based APIs and SDKs from legacy systems. The platform parses metadata from legacy systems and generates the microservices with a direct connection back to the legacy system. The entire microservice architecture for the interface is quickly generated and easily deployed using Docker containers into any hybrid cloud system.
It doesn’t matter whether you want to orchestrate the microservice architecture through Kubernetes, OpenShift, or some other method. OpenLegacy has connectors for virtually any system and even includes the Swagger pages for even easier testing and deployment.
Learn more about cloud native architectures and how they integrate legacy systems in the cloud in Intellyx’s whitepaper:
Marty Bakal has 25 years' experience in various facets of enterprise integration, agile and DevOps. As the Product Evangelist and Product Marketing Director for OpenLegacy, Marty's focus is on providing content to answer common questions about the legacy integration aspects of digital transformation
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