The news about Pivotal Software and Cloudera’s recent stock drops may suggest that enterprises are concerned about moving all on-premise assets into the cloud. These two vendors require customers to transition all of their assets to the cloud but the move is expensive, and companies can't afford to lose their investment in existing business logic. An alternative solution is to have a hybrid cloud strategy that supports cloud and on-premise environments working together.
Gartner says a Hybrid Integration Platform (HIP) is key to any hybrid cloud strategy. Companies need to leave applications where they are and connect them together, which includes connecting on-prem systems to the cloud. Cloud applications typically create small, easily loadable, self-contained APIs. Companies should build similar APIs for all of their cloud and on-prem applications. These types of APIs are easy to build, test, and run in any environment and give the user flexibility for their deployment model. Legacy systems add complexity to APIs because the applications need to communicate to the back-end system.
Connecting one or more on-prem applications to cloud-based applications is certainly not easy, but integrating a cloud application with an on-prem, legacy application is even more challenging. OpenLegacy is a hybrid integration platform that excels in this scenario by including code that represents an abstraction of the legacy transaction or business logic used inside a microservices, which also includes a REST API for easy interfacing. This results in easier integration with cloud-based data-sources. It’s as simple as using two Java objects in combination. Also, the code which calls the legacy system is easy to customize because it is standard Java code.
OpenLegacy’s automated process of creating these microservices manages all of the complexities, security concerns, performance challenges, and other common integration issues. Since OpenLegacy’s APIs are loaded inside microservices they fit well with modern development paradigms, like DevOps.
In the end, customers can create cloud native APIs for their legacy applications. This approach manages the risk and shortens the development time. For further details about how to evaluate approaches to building APIs please download our 
Marty Bakal has 25 years' experience in various facets of enterprise integration, agile and DevOps. As the Product Evangelist and Product Marketing Director for OpenLegacy, Marty's focus is on providing content to answer common questions about the legacy integration aspects of digital transformation.